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The ground of the suspension assembly floor construction requirements

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Suspension assembly floor construction is relative construction specifications and requirements, in which important is the ground construction situation, assume that the ground or there is any breakage, the uneven situation, and even laid suspension assembly floor is beautiful, but in the use of the suspended floors are present may have a cock.
so on the ground can not meet the requirements of the general conditions, before laying conditional can the ground leveling, guarantee the suspension assembly, the laid of floor of and construction. So in front of the floating floor construction, the ground should be arrived in the original foundation a kind of what kind of situation?
how to distinguish whether conform to the requirements of the laid on in situ, can be summarized as: flat, dry, clean, from these three points. Before the ground leveling, of course, first of all in the original foundation construction of the underlying surface should be relatively flat, monotonous, came to, no water, pollution, etc.

1, the flat, which indicate the level off, with straightedge check, the surface concave and convex degree should not be greater than zero. 5cm。 If the underlying uneven, have head, a brief form after shop is forming wave, become warped edge. Other assumption that bump on the ground, also can make the surface part of the arch, indicating the uneven phenomenon.
2, dry: indicate the monotony. Underlying cannot have water on the ground, pavement construction will affect the time limit for a project like this, with also a brief dirty floor, assume that long time with water or suspended floor blisters time is too long, will also affect the floor materials and taking the use of the moment.
3, clean: mark should be clean. The shop is installed, can't have sundry shop places, debris and obstacles. Adhere to the place open as far as possible, so that we can speed up laid open, also can stick to the whole beautiful together.
this quality guarantee suspension assembly floor construction schedule, bento lunch, also can let a floating floor shop is good looks neat and beautiful, use lunch, easy maintenance, good extension of the use of the floor.
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