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The gym can be laid suspension assembly floor

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Gym suspension assembly movement floor shop before many customers there to fear, but a few places laid down by the customer high praise that is mainly rely on suspension assembly floor quality function is selected.
in recent years, as the fourth generation of stadium air suspension assembly floor layer materials, because of its special function by broad user's favorite. Each big playground, kindergarten can be seen everywhere the form of suspension assembly floor, then the gym not only apply suspension assembly floor, and compare the traditional wood floor has the incomparable advantages:
1. Suspension assembly floor price advantage: each type, the picture color, special material, through different processes will make the price differential. Due to the lack of professional wood, wooden floor is appropriate and high cost. Suspension assembly floor use material composition, can be continuous mass consumption, to ensure the high quality of the gym floor, the price is reasonable.
2。 Suspension assembly floor antimicrobial properties: suspension assembly floor demand is high quality, clean sanitation, bring fitness person of wicked environment. Has a particular antimicrobial agent, can be a very good arrived in sterilization, the effect of anti moth.

3。 Suspension assembly floor construction equipment convenient convenience: laying suspension assembly floor is very convenient, fast 1 days can be finished at all. About a very short time in the operating conditions of the gym, time is money, the more suitable in the suspension assembly floor.
4。 Easy maintenance: suspension assembly floor mop water, such as special to liquidation with washing arrangement of liquidation. Adhere to the clean and bright. Suspension assembly floor convenient facilities.
fitness club suspended assembly shop floor can meet the environmental protection, beautiful, easy maintenance all begged, there is a huge moment of thought.
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