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The height of the desks and chairs is decided by the height of students

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Tables and chairs with normal configuration in general is that if students height is 180 cm, so the desktop height should be 76 centimeters, the seat height is 44 cm, models are desks and chairs. 。 According to the regulations of form a complete set of this kind of desks and chairs, the education department has also issued a notice, further unification of orchestration, elementary school desks and chairs. Ensure that enters the school desks and chairs is in line with national standards, boycott unqualified desks and chairs from the source to enter the campus.

to continuously strengthen the management and use of the desks and chairs, city bureau of education for logistics and health related personnel must be led by the school organization before each semester. Student desks and chairs by a worker or a group of workers in without changing equipment or place finish the assembly work, called the assembly process. Use the same tools and auxiliary equipment, don't change the working methods, and of a contiguous sequence of bits in a fixed Ya finish the assembly work, work step. In an assembly process can be packet Gua step one or son assembler. Are a number of final assembly and parts assembly process of the composition of this kind of product, parts are a product of small unit? Several assemble parts, making it a part of the product. However, the combination of form and methods called components. Desks and chairs from the appearance, from single form gradually transition to the lift, even more accord with human body engineering, such as a variety of forms. Moreover, with the development of adolescent height, weight change. There are desks and chairs standard revision again problems at home and abroad, but there are also different, mainly reflected in the desks and chairs placed problem, relative to domestic universal uniformity, foreign student desks and chairs are flexible. Iron bed made from ordinary Angle steel bed, production and processing cost is low, with a drill screw holes, use welder welding, paint. According to each class of students and the actual situation, to supplement adjustment of the whole school desks and chairs, completes the registration work. The aim is not to make some license is not complete, low qualification, and manufacturer of there is something wrong with the tables and chairs are available. Note: the classroom desks and chairs, desks front between the board and the horizontal distance of not less than two meters; , the trailing edge and the horizontal distance between the board of desk elementary school less than 8 meters, not more than eight middle school. 5 meters, the classroom is equipped with not less than 60 cm lateral aisle finally, longitudinal aisle width not less than 55 cm.
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