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The importance of mould processing performance

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Along with the three coordinate measuring machine, scanner, laser tracker technology development, mold also in rapid development, then introduce for everybody how to improve the performance of mould processing, as well as the embodiment of the performance have?

a, mould processing performance

'online measure realization measure confidential' tools', this requires its adaptability is stronger, detection technology to high speed, high precision and high adaptability. Three coordinate measuring machine's main function is through contact or non-contact way such as the laser scanning coordinate data collection, through data processing, complete reconstruction of workpiece to be measured. Modern measuring technology into product research and development, constantly under the system of reverse engineering design, manufacturing, mold and mold design and manufacturing of the parts are inseparable relationship more obvious. Nowadays the mold enterprise to mold as the carrier, actively explore the production mold parts has been an important mode of production, mold enterprise procurement stamping equipment demand. In 2007 China's production of molding equipment up to 17. 30000 units, of which 3000 sets of numerical control molding equipment; Imported forging stamping equipment 3844 units, and other molding equipment 4671 Taiwan. It is understood that the current world cutting tool sales of more than $10 billion, industry developed in Europe, North America, Japan Australia three big market occupies 75% - 80%. In Asia, China is also an important market. In the current manufacturing in the developed countries, the use of carbide cutting tools have accounted for more than 70% and below 30% share of the conventional high speed steel tools, to participate in global competition of the mechanical manufacturing industry in our country, the pursuit of efficiency is also growing, mould enterprise of high precision, high efficiency, high reliability, and the demand of the specificity of the modern, efficient cutting tool is becoming more and more urgent, carbide cutting tools, ceramic cutting tools is widely used in the mold enterprise. Experts to a rough estimate of the cutting tool demand in China in more than 8 billion yuan, with high precision, high efficiency, high reliability of modern cutting tools, such as tungsten carbide and ceramic superhard cutting tool steel indexable tool consumption is about 1. 5 billion yuan, of which 80% - 85% dependent on imports, imports accounted for more than 90% of the tools being used mould manufacturing. The complexity of the mold, precision requirements needed for the quality of the cutting tool is more superior.

2, mold processing equipment to improve the processing performance, mainly embodied:

1, the increasingly large-scale molding parts and components of high productivity requires more than a mold cavity, the mold has become increasingly large, large-tonnage big mould can reach 100 tons, a die hundreds, thousands of cavity, the cavity mould processing equipment big worktable, increasing Y Z axis distance, bearing, high rigidity, high consistency.

2, mould processing, high hardness steel material, mould processing equipment with high thermal stability, reliability.

3, for complex cavity and multifunctional composite mould, as parts of complicated shape, must improve the level of mould design and manufacture of a variety of groove, a variety of material in a mold forming or assemble components of multifunctional composite mould, requires large amount of processing programming procedures, have Gao Shenkong cavity comprehensive cutting capacity and high stability, improve the processing difficulty.

4, mould processing compound, high efficiency for the fine machining equipment of more attention. Of high speed milling machining high hardened steel, stable machining, cutting force is small, the workpiece temperature deformation, and many other advantages to make mold enterprise of high speed machining is becoming more and more attention.

5, the high dynamic accuracy. The static performance of machine tool manufacturers introduced ( Such as repeated positioning accuracy, linear feed speed) Type in the mold 3 d surface processing, can't reflect the actual processing. Of 3 d surface mold precision machining, puts forward the requirement of high precision dynamic performance, high speed and high precision but also in the machine tool of high rigidity, high thermal stability, high reliability, and quality control system of combination become possible.

6, processing technology and the technique of green products will be within the scope of enterprises into consideration when purchasing equipment of electric machine radiation, medium selection will be safe, steel impact factors, the electric fire steel milling technology can get mould processing areas in the future.

7, composite application of various measuring technology, high speed measuring and reverse engineering become push mold involved in product development, design, technology development direction.

the improvement of new and high technology and creation is any industry must and must do, because the only technology can be good in the field of industry inner ring belongs to own a piece of land, and mould industry in our country is moving in this direction.
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