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The influencing factors of plastic products fade

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The cause of the plastic products fade

1. Light fastness of the colorant light fastness fade, directly affect the products of the colorant used by the glare of outdoor products, light, Fast) Level requirement is an important index, light level is poor, products in use will soon fade. Weather resistance of products to choose light shall be not less than 6 grade, had better choose 7, 8, interior products optional four, five. Carrier resin performance of resistance to light the light to change also has great influence on the color, the resin caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays fade its molecular structure is changed after primary. Join in the masterbatch uv light stabilizer and so on ultraviolet absorbent, can improve the coloring and shading light resistance of plastic products.

2。 Heat resistant paint refers to the thermal stability of the pigment at processing temperatures heat, color change, the degree of fade. Inorganic pigment ingredients for metal oxides and salts, good thermal stability, high heat resistance. While organic compound paint under a certain temperature will occur the change of the molecular structure and a small amount of decomposition. Especially PP, PA, PET products, processing temperature above 280 ℃, when choose stain on the one hand, should pay attention to the heat resistance of paint, on the one hand, want to consider the heat resistance of paint.

3。 Some organic pigments in the degradation of macromolecules in the aftermath of the oxidation or other changes, and gradually fade, the process is a process of high temperature oxidation, the second is in strong oxidizer ( Such as chromium Huang Zhong chromic acid group) The oxidation. Lake, after using azo pigment mixed with chrome yellow, red will gradually subside.

4。 Fade acid-proof alkaline coloring plastics and chemical character of the colorant ( Acid and alkali, resistance to oxidation reducing) The relevant. Such as chromium molybdenum red resistance to dilute acid, but sensitive to alkali, cadmium yellow don't acid, these two pigments and phenolic resin for some colorants have strong reducing effect, the serious influence of colorant heat resistance, weather resistance and fade.

for plastic coloring products fade, should according to the requirements of the plastic products processing conditions and use, at the required during the production of masterbatch pigments, dyes, surfactants, dispersants, the performance of carrier resin and anti aging agent can be used only after comprehensive assessment.
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