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The injection mold structure of the die set

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
At the current application involves the various products of the mold ( The car, the universe, daily necessities, electrical communication products, medical equipment, etc. ) , as long as the number of products using mold production, die mold is an integral part. At present, the precision of the die set required depends on the requirements of the product, dragon die set according to the customer demand to provide the appropriate supply. About the injection mold structure, please refer to this article before the injection mold structure diagram not repeat here.
we say half of the mould is mould manufactured goods, made up of various steel plate with parts, can be said to be a complete set of skeleton mold. Because there is a big difference between mold and mold related processing, order from mold maker the mold, mold manufacturers use of both production advantage, improve the overall production quality and efficiency.
after years of development, the template production industry is quite mature. Mold factory in addition to purchase custom mold, according to the requirements of individual mold can also choose to standard mold. Standard mould base design diversification, and delivery time is short, even buy can also be used immediately, provide higher elastic mould manufacturer. Therefore, the standard mold accessibility to continuously improve.
in short, the die set with preforming device, positioning device, and ejection device. General configuration for the panel, a plate ( Before the template) , b plate ( After the template) , c plate ( The iron) , floor, roof, roof, guide pin, back to the needle etc.
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