CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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The international situation of mould competition is becoming increasingly fierce

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Now the situation is that our China mold and die manufacturing industry is growing at twenty percent a year, the growth rate is amazing. China mold related professionals believe that online in & other; Five-year & throughout; Period, China's mold industry according to the requirement of new industrialization, speed up the transformation development way, to save the extensive development mode, intensive development pattern, increasing technical innovation, independent innovation, the strength of the backward, mergers and reorganization, accelerate the mould optimization and upgrading of industrial structure adjustment and can predict the future development prospects will be great. International mold is aimed at the market in China, gradually close to China, our China mold and die should be with the good development environment, strive to excel. Around the world, die and mould industry is in full swing. In recent years, the international mold industry is in a accelerating transformation period, because China has cheap labor and abundant raw materials, and many other advantages, the focus of the international mold manufacturing is gradually close to China, and Latin America, some countries such as India, South Asia, central Asia emerging mold market is in a rapid development period, our China mold and die should be with the good times, strive to excel, to achieve a certain position in the world. With the increasingly fierce international competition, and market demand of increasingly complex, the mould industry is facing a severe test, rely on a single advantage is hard to obtain obvious advantages, so in the future development, our country should pay attention to the mould and die industry & other; Diversification & throughout; Direction. China has always been a world factory processing, according to the current market information, we believe that mould products to large, precision, complex and precision processing technology, computer technology, intelligent control and green manufacturing as one of the new technology to the direction of special process equipment, as mould enterprise, in production, need to constantly learning the advanced technology, the introduction of advanced talents. With the aid of the developed countries have a factory in China that advantage environment, efforts to technology integration, well-equipped high speed digital, refinement, processing, manufacturing and automation direction. Believe that after such a shift, our China mold and die will be able to change from a manufacturing plant to a manufacturing powerhouse. Of course, we in the production at the same time, also should pay attention to the environmental protection question, and this is what we should pay attention to, always only green manufacturing, to guarantee the sustainable development, we our economic construction to achieve long-term success.
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