CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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The kinds of plastic mold and structure are also varied

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mould is close tool, its complex shape, bear the expansion force of blank, so the structural strength, stiffness, hardness, general situation of coarse degree and machining accuracy have higher request, the growth of the plastic mold production degree is one of the important identification mark whatever machinery manufacturing level one of the logo. Cycle is very long, high processing cost essence ( Especially closely complex plastic mold or large plastic mold manufacturing processing fee as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan or even hundreds of millions of yuan) 。

plastic mould for a long time after the operation required grinding blade, blade surface after grinding required demagnetization, not with magnetism, otherwise prone to plugging material. Plastic mould enterprises to do a detailed on-site operation, its operating statistics, care ( Lubrication, cleaning, rust) And the damage to the environment, can be found on the basis of which parts and components has been damaged, the wear degree of intrusive, to find and solve the problem of information supply, as well as the plastic mold molding process parameters, product materials, so as to shorten the test time of plastic mold, across the production efficiency.

modular plastic mold molding, extrusion, injection molding, blow molding and low foaming molding of the production process, it mainly includes the composite substrate by concave die, die components and die combination of card board with variable cavity die, the punch combination of substrate and convex die components, combination punch card board, cavity truncation components and side sections of composite slab has a flexible convex mold core. Die convex and concave die and the auxiliary coordinate change in the molding system. Machinable series plastic parts of different shape and size. Form a complete set of plastic processing industry and plastic molding machine, plastic products for complete configuration and precise size of the tool. Due to plastic breed and processing method is various, and the structure of the plastic molding machine and plastic products and simplified is differ, so the structure and type of plastic mold is also varied.
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