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The meaning of plastics modification and classification

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
plastic injection tooling modification on the meaning of
all through the physical, mechanical and chemical etc can make the original resin improved can be called plastic modification. Plastic modified implication is very broad, in the process of modification, can change the physical, chemical changes can also occur. Plastic modification application range is very wide, almost all of the plastic performance can be improved by modification.

plastic modified classification
different methods can be used in plastic modification, according to the different methods can be divided into the following categories. Classification

chemical reactions according to the classification method of plastic modification can be divided into two types: physical modification and chemical modification.
plastic modification refers to the physical modification does not occur in the process of chemical reactions or only minimal chemical reaction type of modification methods. Plastic physical modification mainly by physical action between different components to achieve modification purpose.

physical modification of plastics is a kind of simple and quick economic modification methods, can be in plastic processing enterprises to implement, because of the widely used. It includes adding small molecule polymer modification, adding polymer blending modification between, between polymer composite modification, the crosslinking modification between the polymer and polymer morphology control and surface modification, etc.

whole or partial modification classification
according to the method of plastic modification can be divided into two types: the overall modification and surface modification.
the overall modification of plastics is modified in the entire plastic products occurs internal and surface modification. This kind of modification is characterized by uniform performance change.

surface modification of plastics is said modification occurs on the surface layer is not thorough internal modification of plastics, the characteristic is the performance changes of the surface modification of heterogeneity. Compared with the overall modification, surface modification has the advantages of low cost.

other classification is add modification of plastics, the blend modification of plastics, the compound modification, plastic, plastic modification, the morphology control crosslinking modification of plastics, etc.

plastic equipment modification need
in general must first have the raw material mixing equipment, such as mixing machine, mixer, crusher, high speed mixer, metrology mixer and so on, and then according to the request of modification, using single screw and twin screw extruder granulation, extrusion process can also add filling materials, the last is the packaging.

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