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The mechanism of the plasticizer

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Said there are many ways of plasticizing efficiency when injection molding processing, such as Tg, modulus of elasticity, etc. Because the DOP wide range of USES, has good comprehensive performance. It must be noted that, using different methods to measure the relative efficiency ratio is not the same, but order basically remain unchanged, in addition, compared the efficiency of the plasticizer, only within the scope of the plasticizer compatible with the polymer to be meaningful. Know the relative efficiency of each plasticizer ratio, can estimate when substitute a plasticizer for another kind of plasticizer dosage.

nonpolar plasticizer to join the nonpolar polymer, is the main purpose of nonpolar plasticizer by polymer - The solvation effect between plasticizer, increase the distance between molecules, weaken the already small forces between them. Many experimental data show that the non-polar polymers, proportional to the amount of plasticizer, within a certain range, the greater the amount, the stronger the isolation effect, reduce the Tg.

compatibility refers to two or more substances mix, do not produce repel separation ability. As a plasticizer, must first has a certain compatibility with resin, this is the most basic performance requirements. The polarity of the plasticizer and the compatibility of PVC with simple similar compatibility principle, PVC and plasticizer of solubility parameter, good compatibility. As plasticizer in polar and nonpolar part structure is different, so the amount of resin plasticizing effect is different. Make a soft resin is reached, all sorts of plasticizer dosage than known as plasticizing efficiency. Plasticizing efficiency is a relative value, can be used to compare the plasticizing effect of plasticizer.

polarity plasticizing plasticizer to join the polar polymer, plasticizer molecular interaction between polar groups and the polar groups of the polymer molecules, which destroys the original polarity connection between polymer molecules, reduced the join point, weakened the intermolecular forces, increasing the plastic. Nonpolar plasticizer added to polar polymer plasticized, nonpolar plasticizer groups covered the polarity of polymer molecules, make adjacent the polar groups of the polymer molecules do not occur, or less, thereby weakening the forces between the polymer molecules, the purpose of plasticizing.

in the process of a kind of plasticizer plasticized, may at the same time there are several role. For example, DOP plasticized PVC, when temperature increases, DOP molecule is inserted into the PVC molecular chain, on the one hand, the polarity of DOP ester base with PVC polar groups interact with each other, each other can be a very good miscibility, not mutually exclusive, so that the PVC macromolecule inter-atomic forces, plastic. On the other hand, DOP nonpolar alkyl sandwiched between PVC molecular chain, the polarity of PVC covered up, also reduce the force between the PVC molecular chain. So, when processing, the movement of the chain becomes easier.

plasticizing effect is due to the aggregation between the macromolecular chain of polymer is weakened. Plasticizer is inserted into the polymer molecules between chain and weaken the forces between the polymer chains, the increased mobility of the polymer molecular chain, reduced the crystallinity of the polymer molecular chain, thus increase the plasticity of polymer. Between plasticizer is inserted into the polymer molecules, weaken the forces between the macromolecular plasticizing and to achieve.

the ideal plasticizer should satisfy and injection molding processing plant resin has good compatibility; Plasticizing efficiency; The durability of the advantages of the good. For a practical plasticizer, could not fully meet the various requirements. According to the properties and processing conditions of the products actual situation, chooses the plasticizer can only meet one or more of the above requirements. So must be familiar with the properties and structure of the plasticizer relationship, so that the appropriate selection of plasticizer.

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