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The modification and application of nylon

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
because the nylon has many characteristics, therefore, in the automotive, electrical equipment, machinery and other industries widely used. Nylon as structural material, especially on its strength, heat resistance, cold resistance, etc, high demands are put forward.

performance and modification of nylon
the intrinsic defects of nylon is also a important factor of restricting its application, especially for large amount of PA6, PA66, varieties, and PA46, PA12 and other varieties than has a strong price advantage, although some performance cannot meet the demands of the development of related industries. Must, therefore, for a particular application domain, through modification, improve its some properties, to enlarge its application field. The main modification in the following aspects:
1. Improve nylon water imbibition, and enhances the stability of the size of the product.
2。 Improve the flame retardancy of nylon, to adapt the demand of electronics, electrical, communication industry.
3。 To improve the mechanical strength of nylon, to achieve the strength of the metal material, instead of the metal.
4。 Improve the resistance to low temperature performance of nylon, enhance its ability of resistance to environmental strain.
5。 To improve the wear resistance of nylon, to adapt to the high wear resistance requirement.
6。 Improve the antistatic property of nylon, to adapt the demand of mining and mechanical applications.
7。 Improve heat resistance, in order to adapt to such as the car engine condition of high temperature resistant.
8。 Reduce the cost of nylon, enhance the competitiveness of their products.

the development trend of modified nylon
nylon do not make the biggest most important varieties in engineering plastics, has a strong vitality, mainly lies in its modified to realize high-performance, followed by cars, electrical appliances industry itself to the requirements of the product's performance is more and more intense, the rapid development of related industries, to promote the progress of high-performance engineering plastics.
1。 The market demand of high strength and rigidity of nylon is more and more big.
2。 Nylon alloying will become the main trend of modified engineering plastics.
3。 Manufacturing technology and application of nanometer nylon will be rapid development.
4。 Used in electronic, electrical, electrical fire retardant nylon and nylon has been paid more and more attention to environmental protection.
5。 Antistatic, conductive nylon and nylon will be magnetic electronic equipment, mining machinery, textile machinery, the preferred material.
6。 Research and application of the processing aid, will promote the functionalization of modified nylon, high-performance process.

in regard to the development of products, mainly for high-performance toughening nylon, nylon, nanometer nylon as the leading direction; In applications, significant progress has been made in auto parts, electrical components development, in addition to applications is of great significance, more important is to extend the service life of components, to promote the development of engineering plastics processing technology.

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