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The modified polyester PET

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
polyester PET is one of the most important synthetic materials, in the fiber, packaging, photographic materials, engineering plastics, and other fields is widely used, developing very rapidly. Pet is widely used in synthetic fibre, film and engineering plastics, and other fields. But because of its speed is slower, make its application in the field of engineering plastics has been curbed, must be modified to improve the processing and impact performance. Modification type

chemical modification, chemical modification of 3-20 into 3-20 oxide or sulfide, peroxide as curing agent, elastomer and plasticizing phase will be influenced by different degree, peroxide attack with polymer elastomer, generate active genes, leading to more effective crosslinking, entanglement molecular chain segments, the bigger tangles caused by shrinkage. Excess peroxide dosage must be strictly controlled, but can make the crosslinking is difficult, the overall impact strength decreased.

grafting reaction with maleic anhydride grafted maleic anhydride grafted hydride copolymers as compatilizer of molten mixed phase.
the method of melt grafting polymer with chlorinated benzene, tertiary butyl peroxide solution chloride, maleic anhydride, reaction of acetone, reactants by a large number of acetone cleaning, filtration, drying the grafting of maleic anhydride content.

grafted acrylic acid with micro oxidation reaction with acrylic polymer powder and the preparation of poly (acrylic acid grafted polymer, with this polymer with kaolin composites as a solvent effectively improve mechanical properties of the complex, and toluene as solvent, obtained by methyl acrylic acid grafted polymer grafting rate can reach 20%.

change tendency is PET content is helpful to improve the overall thermal performance of the blend, both in the amorphous area specific compatibility to a certain extent, there is no cocrystallization, blending system crystallization rate increased, the crystallization performance improvement, structure has higher crack growth can, therefore, the notched impact strength increased significantly.

the three yuan 3-20 grafting reaction due to the three yuan 3-20 contains no polar group, so the poor compatibility with polymer polarity, high boiling point and low toxicity of dibutyl maleate melt grafting.

maleic anhydride, methyl acrylic acid ester modified polyethylene with PET blend Japan teijin company with maleic anhydride, methyl acrylic acid ester modified polyethylene and PET blend, made from sheet, particle dispersion is good, fine granularity, good hot formability and impact. PET/montmorillonite nanometer materials crystallization speed, generation closely crystal structure, in the field of engineering plastics and industrial chemical fiber has potential application prospect.

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