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The preparation of PC/ABS alloy and the control factors

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
To get ideal of PC/ABS alloy, need good raw materials formula, at the same time also need reasonable blending process. Influenced strongly by blending process conditions of PC/ABS alloy phase morphology, which affect the performance of the injection molding processing products. Effect of blending and temperature, the screw of the residence time of the shear force and material. PC/ABS alloy blending temperature is 230 - 250 ℃, the blending temperature should be selected according to the size of relative molecular mass of PC, PC with low relative molecular mass, blending temperature can be appropriately lower.

the right to choose the variety of ABS on the performance of PC/ABS alloy decisive role, if the proper ABS can greatly improve the notched impact strength of alloy, ABS has obvious toughening effect to the PC, otherwise not only on PC without toughening effect, on the contrary make notched impact strength of PC drastically, finally may become a kind of brittle material. The impact strength of PC is associated with the relative molecular mass of his own, the greater the relative molecular mass, the higher the notched impact strength.

moderately improve the blending temperature, is conducive to enhance the blending effect, and then the alloy production. For PC/ABS blend extrusion effect on shear force requirements, should with moderate shear promote mutual melting blending component, the dispersed phase dispersed adequately for the target. When choosing screw element combination, according to the blending type structure, can meet the requirements of PC/ABS alloy blend. Stay time control for PC/ABS alloy material performance is very important, because of PC, ABS thermal oxidation is not very ideal, blending, material residence time shoulds not be too long.

improve mixing temperature two-phase elongation obviously, also make the PC and ABS dispersed phase particle size bigger,
alloy by clear island structure into a similar in structure. In the form of the screw rotation speed of PC/ABS alloy effect is not obvious. PC/ABS alloy torque as the blending temperature rise and the increase of mixing time. Is highly affected by the blending conditions of mechanical properties is the impact strength of alloy.

mixing time and temperature on the morphology of PC/ABS alloy. Mixing time is short, the ABS alloy as the matrix, PC scattered in the ABS matrix, the formation of island structure, with the augmentation of the mixing time, the PC, the equivalent diameter increases, the shape coefficient decreases, and this suggests that the average particle size increases, the dispersed phase PC, elongated, alloy forms have island structure into a continuous structure.

hello feed rate is too low, simplified the excessive hunger status, material of the shear force is small, mixing effect is bad. Feeding rate of increase, material shear force increases, material mixing, high impact strength of alloy. According to the principle of viscosity, the viscosity of the blend components is equal, will obtain the ideal dispersion effect. ABS low viscosity, viscosity than PC when choosing ABS, unfavorable choose the variety of low viscosity, PC/ABS viscosity ratio is too high, otherwise the ABS in the PC hard to evenly dispersed in the matrix, and the forming phase gathered easily, affect the performance of the alloy.

PC easy to hydrolysis under temperature higher than 150 ℃, PC degradation caused by even a small amount of moisture, property of alloy. PC/ABS alloy should be done before blending dry processing. Material is not dry, injection molding processing and product performance is very poor, especially the impact strength of alloy differs a few times. So before blending, must strictly control the moisture content of materials, raw materials to fully dry, the moisture content lower than 0. 02%. Also should avoid mixed with stearic acid kind of lubricant, so as not to affect the performance of the alloy.

the appropriate mixing temperature can be obtained with high impact strength of PC/ABS alloy. Blending temperature is too low, the material is not fully molten, mixing effect is not good, so the impact strength is low, the blending temperature is too high, material part of the degradation, the impact strength is decreased. PC/ABS alloy suitable extrusion temperature is 210 - 230℃。 High rotational speed of screw for material mixing, and the impact of the alloy high strength.

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