CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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The price of the injection mould are influenced by what factors?

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
All have open mold customers after find the corresponding mold factory, the most concerned about is the price of the injection mold, actually there is no clear mold material, size, acupuncture point, accuracy, a series of parameters such as cosmetic requirements quote us the price of injection mold is inaccurate, saying offensive point, is irresponsible quotation.

the cost of injection mould are influenced by what factors?

1, the cost of raw materials ( The selection of material and heat treatment process have more influence on prices)

2, processing fee, Demand determines the appearance of the product processing technology, the higher requirements, the more expensive) processing cost

3, profit + VAT + test fee + freight ( Every company profit space, has led to the deviation of quotation)

injection mould quotation was a continuation of the mold after the valuation and results. From the valuation of injection mold to the injection mold quotation, is the first step, and the ultimate goal of the mould, mould manufacturing is delivered after the settlement, forming mold settled in the end. Injection mould price quotation is not completely equal, may fluctuate error value. So an experienced purchasing or engineering, in order to obtain accurate injection molding mould quotation, is to provide products and 3 d graphics, but not blind opening inquiry.
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