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The purpose of plastic modification and future development

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
plastic injection tooling materials compared with other materials, the main superiority lies in the comprehensive performance is good, a kind of material can meet different performance at the same time. But itself also has some shortcomings. Plastic modification is to improve the purpose of its inherent shortcomings, adding new features and reduce the cost, etc.

from now divided into such three types of modified plastics. Including general special modified plastics, modified plastics, engineering modification, and the most commonly used enhancement technique, main is enhanced and inorganic materials, and using rubber toughening technology of class and filling modification and blending with plastic alloy technology, and flame retardant technology, and the use of nanometer composite technology, including the late gradually began to adopt reaction after technological upgrading, and ageing resistance.

as people become more and more strict requirement for plastic products performance, and expanding the application field of plastic material, rapidly promote the development of plastics modification.

plastic modified expanded plastics modification before
just developed plastic processing enterprises for its own demand. And now have been engaged in the professional factory of modified plastics, not only sell resin, modified resin sales.

plastic modified theory of perfect
with the continuous development of the modification application, more and more need to the corresponding basic theory for guidance. For that we don't study the basic theory of plastic modified, and the morphology control of modified step by step, and development of the theory of consensus.

plastic modification methods increase in the improvement of the traditional plastic modification method at the same time, we constantly develop new modification methods. The traditional blend is general shape blending, online and developed laminar blending, has made great achievements in terms of blocking electrostatic.
plastic autofrettage attention
plastic autofrettage modification is the focus of recent research at home and abroad modification, this method is not join other materials in the polymer, make full use of the processing methods and processing conditions and attain the goal of modification. He can effectively develop the potential of plastic itself, more effectively play its role.

from the application perspective of the market at present, we can say that the development of modified plastics market prospects are very broad, after almost ten years, this kind of modified plastics in the polypropylene, nylon and PC, modified materials are very active in the market.

more wonderful sharing: the meaning and classification of the plastics modification, click directly.
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