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The specification of bioplastics

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
biological plastic injection tooling using renewable, can be fixed carbon dioxide plant as raw material, as a help to protect oil resources, to prevent global warming, new materials, has now become the focus of attention. But, to doing well in the green products, in the domestic market but does not see more, can only be seen in large-scale exhibition and the European and American developed countries they are nowhere to be seen.

bioplastics refers to the natural substance such as starch based plastics generated under the action of microorganisms. It is renewable, environmentally friendly. As the change of The Times, the world made by the biological plastic made significant breakthrough, the price is similar to the traditional oil manufacture of plastic. Now, there have been many types of biological polymer based on different raw materials, and new products and processes.

biodegradable plastics is regarded as ideal alternative to petroleum base plastic. In packaging, electronics, transportation, textiles, medical application has great potential.

the measure, if used 1 million tons of biodegradable plastic instead of traditional plastic, can reduce 2 million tons of petrochemical resources; If biological degradation plastics instead of 1 million tons of original general plastic, can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3 million tons.

PHA is not only a kind of excellent biological environmental protection plastics, but also has many adjustable material performance, with its further reduce the cost and the development of high value-added applications, will be a cost can be accepted by the market more application fields of biological materials. Since it is of a wide range of family, from hard to the high elastic properties make it can be applied to different application needs. PHA variability in the structure of the diversification and performance to make it become a member of the important biological materials.

biodegradable plastics is the main target market of plastic packaging film, agricultural film, disposable plastic bags and disposable plastic tableware. Compared with the traditional plastic packaging materials, new biodegradable materials cost slightly higher at present. But as the environmental protection consciousness enhancement, the people are willing to protect the environment and a new type of biodegradable materials using a slightly higher price, the growth of awareness of environmental protection to new biodegradable materials industry has brought enormous opportunities for development.

plant has the potential to become plastic production factory. Through genetics can develop plants. Use of biotechnology will gene can be inserted in the crops, the results can be developed plastic new materials with unique properties. Researchers using the genetic engineering, has received a plant called arabidopsis thaliana. The plants containing enzymes can be used by bacteria, forming a plastic. Bacteria is obtained by the sunlight is converted into energy and plastic. Researchers have to transfer the enzyme code into the plant, make through cell processing plants to produce plastic. Plant after harvest plastic were extracted by solvent effect. Get the liquid, and then by solvent distillation method will separate from the plastic.

natural polymer materials is the earliest available biomass plastic, is also the research more extensive biomass plastic, mainly including starch based polymer materials, such as natural fiber and chitin. Currently applied in the automobile industry is one of the most natural fiber. Natural fiber application in automobile manufacture has been more and more widely, and try already used in automobile external components.

biodegradable plastic products are not completely satisfy the performance of a variety of consumer demand. Although already on the market of biodegradable plastic variety is numerous, but only mechanical and processing properties of each material itself in one area is outstanding, comprehensive performance have shortcomings of one kind or another.

completely biodegradable plastics as & other; Green material & throughout; , safe non-toxic, vulnerable to a variety of microorganisms or plants and animals in nature, metabolic enzyme decomposition, finally is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water, with biological compatibility and biological absorbability, is multifunctional hi-tech materials, the future prospect is immeasurably.

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