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The tensile strength

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Injection molding processing and low density polyethylene strength, elongation, 2. 89 million of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene is greater than 4. 97 million ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene elongation, yield strength slightly higher, intensity is slightly lower. The smaller packing, the higher the percentage of elongation. Tensile speed affect the elongation and elastic modulus and yield strength, the smaller the faster the tensile elongation, elastic modulus and yield strength are increased slightly, the emergence of the phenomenon and the associated polymer viscoelastic body standing elasticity, reflect the outbound elastic sports in accordance with hooke's law of elastomer difference and particularity.

carbon fiber and glass fiber on the tensile strength of the ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene influence is big, add the tensile strength of carbon fiber in ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene reduced a lot. Because ptfe itself is polymer compatibility and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene is good, the tensile strength decrease relatively slowly. Adding ultrafine calcium carbonate to the tensile strength of the high density polyethylene to 13 mpa, adding potassium titanate fiber tensile strength into 14 mpa.

high polymer is elastomer and variety, the present state of a variety of complex stress/strain relationship curve, in terms of tensile yield point in the process of performance, the size of the elongation and fracture can be roughly divided into five kinds of forms: soft and weak, hard and brittle, should be strong, soft, tough, hard and tough. After adding inorganic filler of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene modified strength did not increase instead of decrease.

the effects of talcum powder on the tensile strength of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene: talcum powder in proportion to the add more hours and glass beads, glass fiber influence on tensile strength, but when adding ratio is more than 15% of its influence on the tensile strength, tensile strength decreased obviously, this is because the talcum powder is irregular ling body more, added to the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and poor compatibility, large stress concentration caused by factors such as matrix.

add carbon fiber on the tensile strength of the ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene not only did not increase, but fell sharply, this may be due to carbon fiber itself or mesh quality and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene does not match, can be seen from the electron microscope photos of carbon fiber, carbon fiber is not like the shape of glass fiber as rules, but into powder, in some ways not play a role of carbon fiber of fiber, and carbon powder, the effect of carbon black.

glass bead and talcum powder, glass beads smaller effect on the impact strength, this is because the glass bead and talcum powder is spherical form is more irregular ling, ball shape of glass beads are added to the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, the stress concentration caused by small and masterbatch compatibility is good. In addition to the teflon, injection molding processing of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene elongation at break increases with the ratio of filler and decreased obviously.

while adding inorganic fillers on the tensile strength of the ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene to reduce more, but for like ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene bearings, bushings, wheels and other products, do not affect its use, as long as good wear resistance, low friction coefficient, low price even if the ideal products. Stress/strain curve can well reflect some of the mechanics performance of material. The lower the relative molecular mass, the higher elongation, packing, the higher the percentage of elongation is lower.

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