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The total of 18 small plastic JiaGongHu assault YeZha

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Learns well da plastic products factory in changshu, to effectively eliminate the environmental pollution of plastic, protected from illegal production occurs at night, 9 p. m. on March 17, law enforcement personnel to the total environmental protection bureau DaZeShan Town merchant village, ma wan village, six ChongDian Village total 18 small plastic JiaGongHu sallied out YeZha, invited television tracking reports at the same time, the exposure of illegal phenomenon.

due to the small business households of plastics processing production scale ( Most small family factory) , a wide range, Involving the villages) , strong confidentiality, Production are closed, unable to enter) , law enforcement is difficult, this phenomenon the resurgence, such reporting cases increased at the same time, the total attaches great importance to the environmental protection requirement each HuanBaoSuo strengthening jurisdiction small plastic processing and environmental pollution. So far have to daze mountain, xinhe, cui home set, south village, township and village more than 100 small plastic processing for joint law enforcement of environmental pollution.

is an upper limit to ban in place. Take regular patrol, raids, YeZha, intensify law enforcement inspection and frequency, and found the problem at any time, quickly investigate, determined in accordance with & other; Two broken sanqing & throughout; Standards, to ensure that the small plastic banned investigated in place. Second, perfect the supervision mechanism. After strict supervision system, to strengthen the enterprise of the already banned shut down track inspection, after the implementation of supervision, real-time monitoring, keep a rebound. For nail house, the public security department cooperate with law enforcement, constitute the cases of public security shall be punished with detention in accordance with the law. 3 it is to create a strong atmosphere. Make full use of newspapers, television, new media exposure and other forms, carry out all-round, multi-level publicity and education activities, to create a strong public opinion atmosphere for clamp down on work. At the same time, strict 24 hours & other; 12369' Environmental protection hotline working system, open channels of complaint reporting, report to the crowds of letters and visits in the shortest possible time to accept the case, is testified, resolutely banned. Fourth, strict liability shall be investigated. The villages and towns of apanage management principle, implement led package slice buns long-term supervision mechanism, law enforcement officers, regulatory responsibilities specific fulfil person head. Because of poor supervision, cause a small plastic rebound, shall be investigated for relevant personnel of the administrative responsibility strictly.
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