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The types of flame retardants and the current situation of the development

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
As reaction components together to chemical type of polymer molecules, thus can't precipitation can't evaporate, keep the flame retardants. In addition, reactive flame retardant without plasticizing effect, will not affect the thermal stability of polymer. This kind of flame retardant for more easy to introduce the thermosetting materials. Can be introduced in the process of polymer reaction before or plastic, more is introduced after polymerization. This kind of flame retardant is particularly suited to thermoplastic plastics. If can and plastic compatible, still can use at the same time as a plasticizer, otherwise only as filling agent.

the microcapsule technology used in flame retardant, is a new technology developed in recent years. Is the essence of the microcapsules, the flame retardant after pulverization dispersed particles, organic matter or inorganic matter to cyst, the formation of microcapsule flame retardants; Or large with the surface of inorganic substances as the carrier, carrier will adsorption in the inorganic flame retardants, the gap form cellular decay capsule flame retardants. Microcapsule technology can prevent the migration of flame retardant, improve the flame retardant effect, improve the thermal stability and change many advantages, such as dosage forms of components between the composite and efficiency, and making multifunctional flame retardant material is also very good.

inorganic flame retardant with a high stability, less volatile, low smoke toxicity and low cost advantages, it is getting more and more get the favour of people. But due to its poor compatibility with synthetic material, adding quantity is big, make the material mechanical properties and heat resistance are reduced. Therefore, to modification of inorganic flame retardants, enhance its compatibility with synthetic material, reduce the dosage of become the development trend of inorganic flame retardants.

inorganic flame retardant with strong polarity and hydrophilic, with nonpolar polymer compatibility is poor, difficult to form good combination and adhesive interface. To improve the sticky relay and interface compatibility with polymer, using coupling agent on the surface treatment is one of effective method.

in the practical application, a single flame retardant total defects of one kind or another, and using a single flame retardant is difficult to meet the requirements of more and more high. Flame retardant compound with technology is between phosphorus, nitrogen and inorganic flame retardants, or some kind of internal points, to seek the best economic and social effect. Flame retardants distribution technology can be integrated two or over two kinds of flame retardants of strengths, make its performance complementation, decrease the dosage of flame retardant, improve the flame retardant properties, injection molding processing performance and physical and mechanical properties, etc. We usually added in the bromine flame retardants of phosphorus, such not only can improve the flame retardant effect, also can reduce the dosage of the flame retardants, reduce the impact on the environment. In short for flame retardant compound with door is to select the most appropriate after fully considering the thermodynamics properties of polymer varieties of flame retardant, maximum full play of flame retardant association effect, considering interaction with various additives, achieve the goal of reducing consumption, improve the effect of flame retardant.

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