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Titanate coupling agent in the application of the inorganic fillers

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Organic polymer generally exist in the poor heat resistance and dimensional stability, in which mixed with inorganic materials or inorganic filling material made of composite materials, can be overcome, but that on the material of the injection molding processing performance and the performance of the finished product will produce adverse effects. Titanate coupling agent can improve the bad influence, it by chemical action in the course of inorganic and organic composite system combine both, or through chemical reaction, the affinity of the two improved, thus the composite material processing, increase the dispersion of filler, filling quantity increase of the packing material.

the applicability of the titanate coupling agent for filler: 1. Improve the inorganic filler filling volume. 2. Increase the impact strength of the material and other mechanical properties. 3. Improve the performance of injection molding processing technology on the complex system, thermal stability and products surface gloss. 4 improve coating corrosion resistance. 5. To improve the flame resistance, aging resistance of the composite. 6. Save raw materials and energy consumption. He also can be used as lubricant, to avoid the other lubricant cause side effects. Titanate coupling agent as a kind of additives, has experienced many years of development, and has been widely used in the production area, manufacturer of titanate coupling agent has been all over the world.

the use of titanate coupling agent method has two kinds: 1. Direct blending method. Namely, polymer, packing, titanate coupling agent according to certain proportion mixing together. This method is simple, do not need to add any equipment and processing technology. Weakness is in the process of injection molding processing, titanate coupling agent is easy to react with roommates and remember resin containing hydroxyl, affect the product performance, so few mixed a direct application in production.

2。 Filler pretreatment method. First the inorganic filler pretreatment with coupling agent, and then and polymer, and other components. Pretreatment has many advantages it especially suitable for more complex components, injection molding processing temperature is higher in some plastics. In addition, the preprocessing method can prevent unnecessary adverse event occurs, thus is widely used in practical production.

the pretreatment of the packing can be divided into two kinds. 1. Wet mixing method. The single type alkoxy titanate coupling agent with an inert anhydrous solvent. This method coupling is completely, in the actual production cost is too big, cost is not cost-effective, so use is not a lot. 2. Dry mixing method. Single type alkoxy titanate mainly adopts dry mix, in order to make the titanate coupling agent can uniform distribution in the surface of packing, need to add a small amount of thinner. With the development of science and technology, shortage of energy and the deepening of environmental awareness, the application field of titanate coupling agent will be more and more widely.

a: silane coupling agent and silica modification, click directly.
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