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To improve the performance of mould processing equipment performance of seven

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Mould processing equipment need to improve the processing performance of precision mould, mainly reflects in:
1. Molding parts increased size and parts of the high productivity requirements with multiple cavities in a mould, this leads to the mold size increases. Large-tonnage mould can reach 100 tons, a mold cavity number in the hundreds and thousands of cavity, workbench need large mould processing equipment, increase the Y axis and Z axis, big, high rigidity, high consistency.
2。 Steel high hardness, requirements of precision mold processing mould processing equipment with high thermal stability and reliability.
3。 For complex cavity and multifunctional composite mould, as the parts in the shape of a complex, it is necessary to improve the level of mold design and manufacturing. Slot and material in a mold molding or assembled into a multi-functional composite die, need a lot of processing programming process, with deep cavity, high stability of composite cutting ability, increase the processing difficulty.
4。 Precision mold processing fine makes much attention has been paid to the complexity of processing equipment and efficiency. High speed milling has the high hardness material, machining stability, cutting force is small, the advantages of small thermal deformation of workpiece, the mould enterprises pay more and more attention to high speed machining.
5。 High dynamic accuracy. The static performance of machine tool manufacturers introduced ( Such as repeated positioning accuracy, linear feed speed) In the 3 d mold surface machining can't reflect the actual processing. High precision processing of dynamic precision of the mould 3 d surface performance put forward higher requirements. Only machine of high rigidity, high thermal stability, high reliability and quality control system, can realize high speed and high precision.
6。 Enterprises in the procurement of equipment, will consider precision mold processing technology and the combination of green product and technology. Radiation of electric machine and medium choice will be the factors that influence the safety and environmental edm milling technology will get mould processing areas in the future.
7。 Composite application of various measurement technology, high speed measuring and reverse engineering has become a push for the mold to participate in the development direction of product development and design techniques.
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