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Transparent resin filling and coating

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Transparent resin packing requirement is very strict, besides the requirement sheet structure, particle size as small as possible, large length to diameter ratio, low content of impurities, also require packing refractive index to close to the refractive index of transparent resin as far as possible. That may not affect the original transparency, transparent resin filling and coating does not affect the original transparency resin.

transparent resin coating to be transparent, so that does not affect the original transparency injection molding products processing. Transparent organic coating is mainly for the silane class again, he is not only good transparency, and excellent abrasion resistance, which can increase wear resistance, decrease products transparency because of wear-resisting.

to improve the hardness of plastic and flexible
hardness is said against other hard objects the ability of its surface. Hardness value is the size of the characterization of soft and hard degree of conditional quantitatively reflect, he is not a simple and definite quantity. Hardness value not only depends on the size of the material itself, and depends on the test conditions and determination method, the hardness measurement method is different, the same determination of the hardness value of different kinds of materials. To compare material hardness between size, therefore, must use the same method of measurement of hardness value, are comparable.

rockwell hardness with rules at the beginning of the pressure head on sample first experiment, then put the main test force, and then remove the main test force. With early twice before and after the experiment force press down the head into the experiment of depth difference after calculated the value of the said. Rockwell hardness without unit.

shaw hardness, also known as shore hardness, is often used in plastic hardness, said shaw hardness and can be divided into shaw ball indentation hardness and shaw rebound hardness of two kinds. Shaw ball indentation hardness tester compaction to provisions of time, use Numbers 0 - immediately 100 said indentation hardness of reading, shaw ball indentation hardness without unit.

the hardness of thermosetting plastics and engineering plastics are bigger, and general hardness of thermoplastics, in addition to the PS are small. Compared with the material such as metal, glass and ceramic, plastic hardness is much smaller, therefore, for some applications where high hardness requirements, must to the hardness of modified plastics. Hardness modification methods include: add hard filler and fiber, blend and composite hard resin, plastic surface hardness and plastic crosslinking hardness modification and so on.

surface treatment to improve the hardness of plastic, this is the proper chemical reactions on the surface of injection molding products processing, change its original structure, a method to improve the hardness. Add to improve plastic hardness is said in the plastic hard additive is added to a modification method. The hardness of additive as rigid inorganic filler and fiber. Hard packing in improving the hardness at the same time, greatly reduce the surface gloss of plastic products, only glass beads can improve the hardness, and does not affect the surface glossiness. Glass beads can be divided into synthetic and two extracted from fly ash. The fly ash from coal-fired power plants, with air separation or water concentration can get glass beads.

surface finishes including metals, metal oxide and other inorganic substances, etc. , metals mainly for chemical plating. Plastic surface hardness improved method is to point to improve the hardness of plastic products appearance, only the constant within the hardness of products. This is a low cost of hardness improvement methods. Surface coating is to point to in the processing of plastic injection products surface coated with a layer of high hardness materials, so as to improve the hardness of plastic products.

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